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Betrayal and treachery

 Betrayal and treachery
Categories: Love words

Betrayal and treachery

Betrayal and treachery...they are the two worst words to describe a person, two words that go hand in hand, as there is no treachery unless there is betrayal. The style of treachery and betrayal varies, but the meaning remains the same: betrayal and treachery are tantamount to death for the human relationship. Man, by his nature, seeks comfort. Haven't you asked yourself why some people betray us and others betray us? I'm sure this question has not crossed your mind. We think that after the person betrayed us, we say that he is who he really is. We say that he was hiding and revealed himself, and that he was playing a role on the stage of our lives, and the role has ended and he has shown himself who he really is. Betrayal and treachery are not traits of humanity, rather they are traits of life, since man is a complex creature, so he has some of these instincts, but there are those who control them, and there are those who make them control him and lead him to destruction, devastation, and devastation, and he lives in an intractable state and at the height of problems, psychological problems, and successive disappointments. Do not make your life a stage for everyone, and do not try to pretend for anyone, for the pretense will tire you of it, and the day will come when you lower the curtain of pretense and the mask of concealment that you wear. Try to live according to your nature, with which you were born and created. If it is good, then good, and if it is evil, then refine it. Man has a choice in his life. . I cannot tell you that you must be in this form or this form or act in this manner. Do not put restrictions on your life. Act according to your nature, obey your heart, and consult your mind, for every matter that contradicts the mind leads to destruction. The heart leads to destruction because it is the place of both doubt and faith, but the mind is the place of wisdom, sound opinion, sophistication, and interpretation. From the book Life Excerpts
Categories: Love words
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